Additional equipment for existing lines for the production of concrete products by vibropressing

STEIF specializes in the production of its own automatic lines, as well as in the automation of technological processes for vibration pressing lines from other manufacturers and offers additional equipment for implementation at any stage of production:

Washing system for freshly formed products

All elements of the automatic line will be made on the basis of proven technical solutions based on our 20-year experience with similar lines. It is possible to design and implement additional equipment in existing or newly created production facilities, to modify them taking into account the customer’s wishes and requirements for placement in the building.

Packaging line for aged products

Pettirossi, with some lines vibrocompression, allows you to take items from two technological pallets (maximum weight 600 kg), as well as from one skid, depending on the size of the molding zone and the total weight of concrete products on the pallet.

Automatic transport group (robot loader)

It will be developed taking into account all the technical features of the existing production – the size of the technological pallet, productivity, the maximum height of the molded products, etc.

Exposure chambers for freshly formed products

Designed for storage of technological pallets with freshly formed products in the process of gaining strength of products and working as part of an automatic line.

Advantages of modernization

The result of the completion, automation, reconstruction and modernization of the lines will be:

  • release of new products and / or products with improved characteristics;
  • increasing the productivity of the entire equipment complex;
  • reducing the complexity of production processes and, as a result, optimizing the number of operating personnel;
  • reduction of losses (productive and non-productive);
  • reducing the cost of the product (through the use of advanced technologies, materials, and labor savings);
  • it will make the service more convenient.

The vast experience of STEIF helps to solve problems of any degree of complexity, and the presence of highly qualified specialists in the team makes it possible to optimally integrate European technologies into Russian conditions.

We are ready to advise you on technical issues.

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