The Steif VUM-8 line is designed for manufacturing slotted slabs for pig and cattle buildings, as well as other reinforced concrete products (fence sections, lintels, etc.)
The equipment is produced on a turnkey basis, starting from the project development stage and finishing with the production of high-quality reinforced concrete products.
The correct approach to the choice of the equipment is the key to high profitability of the enterprise.It also concerns animal industry where the important basis for business success is the equipment of the manufacturing process, construction of industrial, administrative and agricultural buildings.
The capacity of the line depends on the set of equipment used and can reach 300/600/1200/2000 m2 of the slotted floors per 24 hours.
The slotted floors produced for animal industry using the Steif VUM-8 line are characterized by the following:
- Efficient anti-slip surface that does not cause costs for cleaning;
- Additional compaction of the surface that increases roughness of the surface layer;
- High roughness and aggressive medium resistance;
- The slots are of various dimensions.
The quality of products manufactured on the equipment of the TULAPRESSMASH Company meets the European standards and is cost-effective for the customer.
- The line ensures high efficiency and output with minimum effort required;
- High-f requency regulated concrete mix compaction allows decreasing cement consumption when manufacturing slotted slabs and other reinforced concrete products using the technology of immediate unmolding;
- The Steif VUM-8 line is equipped with the automatic smoothing device that allows to smooth and compact the surface in automatic mode. The result is perfectly smooth surface, elimination of the human factor and sustainably high quality of the products.